These kids need role models.
And you're not it.
Have a nice night, Ray.
Strike three!
I got something special for you.
- It's for power hitters.
- Thanks, coach.
Now batting for the Bears,
number 20, Mike Engelberg.
- What the hell is this?
- I don't know.
Buttermaker, what the hell
are you trying to pull?
Hey, it's a league bat, okay?
You're on thin ice, pal.
You try one more stunt like this again,
I'm gonna bounce you
out of the league.
Listen, Kevin, I don't think
it's gonna work out, buddy.
I still get paid though, right?
Well, sure. What do you think I am,
some asshole?
"Mombai"? You really went
all out for this one, didn't you?
It's good enough to get your
little ass drunk for a month.
Now, come on, get out of here.
You're creeping the kids out.
Drop dead, asshole.
And the final score:
Athletics, 9, Bears, nothing.
Good job.
Kiss my ass. Kiss my ass.
Suck it.
What are you smiling at, Henry?
Up the alley, down the street,
who's the toughest team to beat?
Bears! Bears! Yay, Bears!
Hey, come on, guys.
Sit up straight, you look like
a bunch of hound dogs.
You got nothing to be ashamed of.
You got a few hits today.