Next up for the Bears,
Toby Whitewood.
Watch this, Hooper.
The catcher's good.
Just good enough to get in trouble.
Strike one!
Run, run, run!
All right, way to go, guys. Way to go!
Good hustle!
They're playing ball now, man.
They're playing ball.
Ball four! Take your base.
Come on, guys! Let's hold them!
- Number 28, Tyler Cohen.
- Can't win if they don't score.
Way to go, Miguel!
Good catch, buddy!
Way to go!
We need two more, guys. Two more.
Strike three!
Come on, guys! Two out.
We need one more, Amanda.
Shut them down, honey.
Get under it! Get under it!
Throw it! Throw the ball! Hurry!
What the hell is wrong
with you, dipshit?
Come on, guys, gather in.