Because we got a chance.
Pick your gloves up.
We got a championship to win.
The entire season
and everything we've worked for
comes down
to the next six innings
that you play.
How you do,
and the result of that effort,
is gonna have a big bearing
on how you feel about yourself
in the next year.
You gonna go through the world
seeing yourself as a winner...
...or a loser?
Because believe me,
being a winner is just...
Is just...
I don't know, is just better.
The way I see it, that trophy up there
has got your name on it.
And those guys over there
are trying to steal it from you.
- Whose trophy is it, Danny?
- Ours, coach.
Whose name is on that trophy,
Take a good long look
at your opponents.
Do they look like champions?
Not for me to say.
But no, they don't.
You're a great team,
it's been a great season,
but it's not over yet.
Let's go finish it, huh?
One, two, three!
All right, let's go, guys.
One, two, three!
Hustle up, guys. Let's go get them.
B-E-A-R-S! Go, Bears! Go, Bears!
Go, Toby!
Now batting for the Yankees,
number 10, Jimmy Wilkins.
Strike one!
All right! All right, Amanda!
Way to go, honey.