How are you?
Fine. Just fine. I mean great.
I've been real busy ...
that's why I haven't called for awhile.
You haven't called ...
for the last 8 months.
I know. I'm sorry.
Did you get my message?
I spend all day at the ...
Will you be at the wedding?
What wedding?
Viktor's wedding.
I don't know if that's such a good idea.
-It's the perfect opportunity...
for you guys to patch things up.
What for? The past is the past.
Listen up for a second.
Heinrich is merging with the Sommers.
You remember Sarah Sommer,
don't you?
Piss off, I'm on the phone.
They need someone
to design their new website.
I recommended you.
Heinrich is willing to bury the past.
Don't miss this opportunity.
Mom, I don't need Heinrich's help.
Just pay us a visit ...
and hear what he has to say.
What's that noise?
Do you have company?
No, that's just the TV.
ATV at the office?
Let me turn it down.
Please do.
I'll pass you on to Heinrich.
Here, just talk to him.
Could you please help her.
-Careful. She bites.
Hello, Nick.
So, we're merging ...
with the Sommers...
Can you hear me?
He's got a screw loose.
What the hell is that?
Are you nuts or what?