Ra's-- Ra's al Ghul.
Ra's al Ghul is dead.
Who are you working for?
Dr. Crane isn't here right now.
But if you'd like to make
an appointment....
OFFlCER [OVER P.A.]: Batman,
put down your weapons and surrender.
You're surrounded.
-What are you waiting for?
-The Batman's in there.
SWAT's on the way.
But if you wanna go in now...
...I'll be right behind you, sir.
SWAT's on the way.
What's happened to her?
Crane poisoned her with a psychotropic
hallucinogen, a panic-inducing toxin.
-Let me get her down to the medics.
-They can't help her, but I can.
Get her downstairs.
Meet me in the alley.