He's partners with this guy
named Nick Carr.
He's this music promoter?
I know Nicky.
They caught me
straight off the bus from Texas.
Said they'd make me this big star
and like a fool, I believed 'em.
When you done turnin' tricks,
get your ass back over here!
I ain't done with you yet!
Look, I can't do five more years.
Not with these guys.
Who's the big guy?
That's Elliot Wilhelm,
Raji's bodyguard.
He's got this thing
that he can raise one eyebrow,
give you that look.
He wants to be in movies.
What, that's it?
He just does the one eyebrow?
As far as I know, he's gay, too.
Word is he once threw a guy out of
a 30-story building for calling him a fag.
Well, he must've been mad.
Maybe if you didn't blow
all your energy bangin' tourists,
your voice wouldn't sound so flat.
Talkin' about a flat voice,
you know what I'm sayin'?
Yeah, that one was for me,
so you just relax.
You're gonna end up doing
fifty-cent lap dances at the First King
like Miss Bangkok.
Chil, wait.
You don't know these guys.
They're bad guys.
Trust me, Linda, I know 'em
a whole lot better than you do.
...doin' some ass-poppin'
all up and down a pole.
You'd be up in that place
goin' pop, pop, pop.
Pop, pop, pop.
What are you gonna say?
Nothing more than I have to, if that.
Snap, crackle, pop!
Chili, wait.
Man in the suit.
You in town
for some kind of convention?
No, but if I was,
you'd be the man to see, am I right?
Why would you say
somethin' stupid like that?
The way you're dressed,
you're either a pimp or a limo driver.
We've got jokes?
You some kind of weak-ass comedian?
Raji, look at me.
I'm lookin' at you, man.