Be Cool

Look, Sin, you know,
Tommy left his will a mess.

You know, if you just give us
a few weeks...

Right. Then I'd call up
and the phone is disconnected.

Why don't you write us
a check for 300 grand

and we'll kindly be on our way.
Sin, you know we don't have
that kind of money on hand.

Then I need to check your books.
Be cool.
Be cool?
You don't know me.
I know you a whole lot better
than you think I do.

Ivy League rich kid.
Goes to Wharton.

Gets an MBA.
Puts on some Timberlands
and a throwback

and suddenly you got street cred?
Look, I'll tell you the truth, okay?
The Russians took it.
The what?
The Russians.
With one of those insurance scams.

You know, like "give us half a mil
and we won't kill you"?

And, Sin, you knew Tommy, right?
I mean, he never wanted any trouble.
I mean, he gave him
everything we have,

but these Russians,
okay, these monsters,

they're animals.
They kept on coming back
for more and more,

so Tommy told 'em get lost.
To make a long story short...
...I'm a widow now.
Oh, my God.
Excuse me, Chuckles.
