Ain't you gonna count it?
Nick ain't got the balls to stiff me.
I like that idea you had
about having a bat in the car.
I had my man Elliot
go out and get one.
A red bat!
You don't send a queer to get a bat.
They like these shiny queer things.
What you want... It's not your fault...
What you want is a wood bat.
See, like a Louisville Slugger.
Let me see.
Hold this for me, please. Thank you.
You see, a bat like this,
it messes up a kid's swing.
You gotta take too long of a swipe
across the plate, you see?
He never develops those fast hands
you're gonna need for the majors,
you understand?
I don't know how fast
it's gotta be for my needs,
you know what I'm sayin' to you?
I ain't gonna be up in no majors...
You like that one, huh?
Here's your sandwich.
What's up?
Raji, I think he's chokin'.
You clownin' me?
Joe, are you clownin' with me?
You don't ever disrespect me!
Raji, Raji, Raji.
He's dead.
Talk all that shit, man.
This right here,
this was the cost of doin'... business!
All I want is some appreciation, Elliot.
Chili Palmer don't realize
how hard I work for Linda Moon.
I tried to make her a superstar!
What do I expect in return?
What do I expect in return?
My name on the damn CD so small
you can barely read the damn thing!
And where's that at?
Where's that always at?
On the back, at the bottom.
"Produced by Raji. "