... dare we discuss,
Last Year in Katmandu?
Hi, Nina.
Yes! Yes, I am watching him.
What's a dick?
Mo one ever sets out
to make a bad movie.
What does that have to do
with how obnoxious he is being?
Some movies are career-enders.
Right. Right, we need a plan.
What went wrong?
You know, I hate to point fingers...
... but I'm gonna blame
the wardrobe department.
The wardrobe department?
I think it got in the way.
Maybe I should quit.
Honey, you can't quit.
Why not? Isn't that what people do?
He has to quit, not you.
Yeah, like that's ever
gonna happen.
We have to make him quit.
If we get naked pictures of him
and pictures of farm animals...
...I could just Photoshop them.
That's an excellent idea.
No, no, no. Wait.
Calm down. Calm down.
No, no, no, this not what I wanted.
I wanted something normal.
What should I do?
Oh, my.
What a mess.
Your Aunt Clara used to be able
to make a clean landing.
Aunt Clara?
Oh, Aunt Clara.
Oh, thank goodness you're here.
I am in the middle of a total,
total crisis at work. I'm quitting.
You mustn't quit.
The show must go on.
Isabel, are you all right?
Oh, my friends... I have friends...
They don't know we're witches.
Mum's the word.
You know, there was an Aunt Clara
on the original Bewitched.
What a coincidence!
She was a witch.