L00k wh0 has c0me! Papa!
What has the d0ct0r t0ld papa?
The d0ct0r has said that
michelle can't see 0r hear.
What did y0u say?
Our michelle has g0ne
blind and deaf.
L00k at me! Michelle!
"I was like an animal"
"children l0ved playing pranks 0n me."
"S0 did G0d."
Mrs. G0mes! Wh0 has tied
these cans 0n michelle?
Shh... calm d0wn michelle,
calm d0wn, baby calm d0wn.
Fire! Fire! Mrs. McNally. Fire!
Help mrs. McNally
help. Mrs. McNally
f0r eight years... every day
a new accident
hurting s0me0ne with a knife,
0r breaking her 0wn head!