
She c0uld have burnt
the wh0le h0use d0wn.

With michelle, we can never be happy.
What are y0u trying t0 say?
We will send her t0 an instituti0n.
Y 0u mean a mental asylum?
H0w can y0u think that?
Cathy, I l0ve her just as much.
But I still want t0 send her away.
She c0uld cause irreparable damage.
N0. I'm s0rry. I d0n't agree.
There is n00ther s0luti0n.
I have n0 m0re patience left.
Sara! Oh my G0d!
En0ugh 0f this...!
This child will be the death 0f us.

Paul, leave her!
She will n0t stay her an0ther m0ment.
She alm0st... killed sara.

Let her g0!
It's n0t her fault.
F0r G0d's sake!

Try and understand her.
She is suffering.
She is suff0cating
in her 0wn darkness.

My baby is suffering
there's this sch00I in dehradun...
where children like michelle
are given special training.

If y0u let me,
I can write f0r a teacher...

we d0 n0t need a teacher...
we need a magician.
I d0n't want t0 hear anym0re
that there is n0 cure f0r 0ur michelle.

One last time paul.
Maybe this is the teacher
wh0 is the magician...

wh0 will bring light
int00ur michelle's life.
