Just spell it, debraj.
I.I.G.h.t. Light
ah! The difference between
a teacher... and a magician.
Y 0u make me s0 angry s0metimes debraj.
Angry... angry
st0p this bullshit
bullshit bullshit
bull. Bull... bull... shit bull... shit
I d0 n0t have time f0r y0ur talks.
I have s0me very imp0rtant news f0r y0u.
Three guesses... if it's my terminati0n
letter, put it in the third drawer.
If it's my last salary,
then it g0es here in my p0cket...
and if it's a n0tice t0 vacate this r00m
then thr0w it in the dustbin.
And. 0n y0ur way t0 any 0f
these ms Nair... c0uld y0u please
fetch me my... eye-dr0ps... fr0m that
table 0ver there. Thank y0u.
Y 0u may have three guesses debraj...
but y0u have 0nly 0ne ch0ice.
This letter.
An eight-year girl,
in shimla, michelle.
She can't see, she can't hear and
her parents d0n't understand her.
Y 0u are their last h0pe debraj.
Otherwise they will put her
in the asylum.
Y 0u are the best teacher I kn0w.
She needs a teacher, y0u need a j0b.
L00k up
what d0 y0u see in this eye, ms. Nair?
A great l0ve f0r me.
Y 0u need t0 get y0ur eyes checked.
And this 0ne?
- N0thing
her name is michelle, isn't it?
I can see everything clearly.
A beautiful m0rning...
sn0w c0vered streets...
and that little girl...
a l0st s0ul, directi0nless.
I will give her wings
made 0f w0rds, ms. Nair.