I will n0t t0lerate this
in fr0nt 0f my guests.
Michelle eats like this.
Either she eats fr0m her plate
0r stays hungry. Am I underst00d?
Let her eat, y0u will
get an0ther plate.
I... d0n't have a pr0blem
with the plate, mr. McNally.
The plate... is fine.
Let her g0.
This is n0 way t0 teach.
D0n't y0u feel pity
f0r this handicapped child?
Pity? And 0n this devil...?
S0 she can d0 as she pleases?
N0 mr. McNally,
I have pity 0n y0u...
and d0n't y0u dare
call her handicapped.
That's en0ugh! D0 n0t f0rget that y0u
are a paid servant in this h0use.
A teacher! Mr. McNally... n0t a
paid servant... a paid teacher.
Leave her, right n0w.
N0! Y 0u leave. All 0f y0u.
Mr. Sahai,
handling michelle like this...
mrs. McNally... y0u had said that
y0u'd c00perate.
All right. There's n0 p0int in
g0ing 0n like this.
Let's give him a chance.
Let him d0 his j0b paul.
Leave! Leave!
Martha, I'm really s0rry,
f0r t0day's lunch
d0n't w0rry cathy.
He's a new teacher, that's why.
Isn't it, paul?
Martha, I'll dr0p y0u h0me.
Paul, I will speak t0 mr. Sahai...
I am very hungry;
I am g0ing t0 eat...
and if y0u behave
then y0u can eat t00.