N0. y 0u will n0t use
y0ur hands t0 eat y0ur f00d.
Open it, 0pen it, 0pen,
and 0pen y0ur hands.
Leave, leave it. Leave it.
Sit. Sit. Sit. Sit d0wn.
Y 0u will n0t t0uch the f00d
with y0ur hands.
Sit d0wn... sit.
St0p it... st0p it.
Just st0p it, just st0p it.
St0p it. Just st0p it,
just just st0p it. Stop lt.
Sp00n. Sp00n.
There is g0ing t0 be n0 m0ther.
Y 0ur m0ther's n0t here.
Just y0ur teacher.
Y 0ur teacher... just me
where y0u g0ing?
Where d0 y0u think y0u are g0ing...
y0u are n0t g0ing t0 g00ut...
wait... where d0 y0u think
y0u are running fr0m?
Y 0u are n0t g0ing 0ut...
c0me al0ng... with me... c0me 0n.
C0me here... sit.
Y 0u are g0ing t0 eat y0ur f00d
with a sp00n. C0me 0n.
Y 0u are g0ing t0 eat y0ur f00d
with a sp00n, c0me 0n,
open y0ur m0uth... open it...
open y0ur m0uth... open, open it...
0pen it. Open it, 0pen it.
Y es. Yes. Yes... very g00d.
Y 0u little brat...
that sh0uld c00I y0u d0wn.
This is n0 way t0 teach...