s0, when d0 I get
charge 0f my student?
This evening.
Y 0u kn0w. Mrs. McNally,
I wish I c0uld sing...
but my singing is s0... pathetic.
Dear ms. Nair,
I have g00d news.
Y 0u will be unhappy t0 kn0w that
the magician is at w0rk
t0day is michelle's first day...
mr. Sahai...
- In sch00I. Ah!
Y 0ur student.
Y 0u kept y0ur pr0mise, mrs. McNally
sch00I has started,
and parents are n0t all0wed.
S0 y0u sh0uld leave.
I have never left her al0ne.
Please take care 0f her.
D0n't be harsh 0n her
She is l00king f0r me.
- Y es. I kn0w.
She's g0ing t0 c0me t0 y0u n0w.
Leave, mrs. McNally.
Please leave. Get back.