this is... napkin, Napkin...
say ' Napkin'.
Ah! I am fed up.
N0, mrs. McNally, I will n0t
all0w y0u t0 take michelle yet
she hasn't learnt anything yet.
She kn0ws w0rds, but n0t the meanings.
She still calls napkin, sp00n.
It's still a l0ng way t0 g0, y0u kn0w
h0w much l0nger mr. Sahai?
Nineteen days have passed
the pr0mise was f0r 20 days,
I still have a few h0urs
what can happen in a few h0urs?
Kn0wledge can c0me in a flash mrs. McNally.
It's like lighting a candle...
once this candle is lit, the wh0le
h0use will be filled with light.
Believe me, this miracle
can happen any time...
and paul can c0me at any m0ment.
I'm really very s0rry.
I will c0me t0 get michelle t0m0rr0w.
At sunrise
and I shall pray there is
n0 sunrise t0m0rr0w, mrs mcNally
G00d night
Y 0u've made a fine y0ung lady
0ut 0f my michelle!
Thank y0u.