
mr. Sahai. L00k at that girl.
She can't hear 0r see,

and still... just l00k at her,
it's w0nderful.

That's michelle mcNally...
the girl I was talking ab0ut.
- That's imp0ssible mr. Sahai.

Imp0ssible is a w0rd that I have
never taught her mr. Fernandez.

There are special sch00ls
f0r such children...

where they are taught many things.
T0 make baskets, weave carpets...
have y0u heard 0f a girl like michelle
getting admissi0n in a n0rmal c0llege?

N0, but I w0uld l0ve t0.
H0w will she understand the lectures?
I will sit with her in the classr00m.
She will learn everything thr0ugh signs

every w0rd, every letter.
Michelle... meet y0ur principal
y es yes... I've t0ld him... y0u
want admissi0n in arts, n0t science

mr. Sahai I will have t0 c0nsult
the trustees 0n this.

Y 0u get few chances f0r g00d deeds.
And I h0pe that y0u will
n0t l0se this 0pp0rtunity.

