The w0rld is r0und.
S0 america can be 0n any side.
What d0es kn0wledge mean t0 her?
- What d0es kn0wledge mean t0 y0u?
Kn0wledge... is everything
kn0wledge is spirit, wisd0m,
c0urage, light, s0und.
Kn0wledge is my bible, G0d...
...kn0wledge is my teacher
- brav0! Excellent.
C0ngratulati0ns, mr. Sahai.
Y 0ur student is n0w a
part 0f 0ur university.
Thank y0u... thank y0u
I answered every questi0n they asked.
Michelle l00ks s0 happy t0day paul.
Can't st0p talking ab0ut the interview
she hasn't st0pped smiling all day.
Why n0t? A girl wh0 c0uldn't
sit at the dining table...
has a seat in the university t0day.
Can y0u imagine? Can y0u imagine the day
when we see michelle as a graduate?
Ah, it's g0ing t0 be such a
special day, isn't it sara?