J0j0... g0 sl0w... l'm getting 0ld.
Oh! I'm s0 s0rry.
Where is she g0ing?
Where... are y0u g0ing?
N0 n0 n0... this is the
wr0ng way... it's this way.
N0... it's... tch!
We're getting late...
c0me 0n... yes, hurry up
y es, c0me 0n...
run, run, run!
Y es!
C0me 0n, c0me 0n... hurry up.
- present.
- present
- present
- present.
"There was s0 much t0 learn
and there was such little time."
"24 h0urs with0ut tiring..."
"y 0ur fingers w0uld speak t0 me."
Whether life starts fr0m
the w0mb 0r fr0m the earth...
its j0urney starts fr0m darkness
and ends in darkness.
One day we will all have t0 pass
thr0ugh this darkness...
and reach int0 the light.
"0ne day, we all have t0 g0 thr0ugh
the darkness, t0... light..."
"New d00rs 0pened up f0r me..."