"can't y0u see"?
I'm s0rry sir
hey... n0... n0. n0.
It's alright... it's alright.
N0, n0...
y0u are t00 sl0w!
H0w will y0u pass?
Y 0u'll try?
Let's watch it
this is ten w0rds in 0ne minute
y 0u're g0ing t0 try and d0 thirty.
Thirty w0rds, my f00t!
- N0 fail.
N0, n0t in 0ne 0r tw0 subjects,
y0u have failed in all 0f them.
"Pe0ple celebrate success
but we celebrated failure"
"while eating ice cream
y0u t0ld me the st0ry 0f the spider"
"wh0 after a l0t 0f tries
made her h0me."
"After all, failure is
the first step t0wards success..."
"but f0r me these steps
were never-ending."
Mr. Sahai, h0w are y0u?
H0w is michelle?
She's all right,
her results have c0me 0ut.