And what happened?
She has failed again.
But she said that
her papers were easy.
She lied, s0 she c0uld
enj0y her h0lidays
but y0u said that 0nly after falling
can a pers0n rise higher.
Bef0re I fall, I want her
t0 learn h0w t0 fly.
I'm getting 0ld, y0u kn0w?
Oh n0...
- what happened?
Michelle has failed again?
- Y es paul. I'm w0rried.
I think mr sahai...
ma... I want t0 c0me h0me.
Ma, I failed.
Teacher sh0uted at me.
I l0ve y0u, my baby, I l0ve y0u.
I was t0ld y0u were l00king
f0r me mr. Fernandez
ah mr. Sahai, please c0me in.
I have been waiting f0r y0u all day...
I want t0 share my biggest
achievement with y0u.
Please have a seat.