Mr. Sahai michelle has been studying
in the same class f0r 2 years.
S0 I th0ught I w0uld d0
s0mething t0... help her.
First year arts, entirely in braille.
Y 0u had 0nce said very few chances
are given f0r d0ing g00d deeds.
I'm happy that y0u haven't
wasted this chance.
N0w n00ne can st0p michelle
fr0m g0ing ahead. Thank y0u.
N0t at all... It's my duty,
my pleasure, my pride.
I trust that was all right?
Is anything the matter?
Then the b00ks, mr. Sahai.
Please take them t0 michelle.
H0w d0 I g00ut?
H0w... h0w d0 I g00ut?
I beg y0ur pard0n?
The way t0 g00ut?
The d00r, mr. Sahai...
it's right behind y0u.
Exactly the way y0u came in.
Y es...
mr. Sahai, is everything all right?
Tee... cher...