"s0mething that I c0uldn't understand"
"I knew n00ne besides y0u teacher"
"that's why I th0ught 0f an0ther
relati0nship with y0u teacher"
"was it wr0ng f0r me t0 think this way?"
"A l0t was changing..."
"but my failure was c0nstant"
time up, michelle... time up.
Michelle, y0u've already
had extra time.
Michelle... I'll take
the paper 0ut then.
N0... n0...
- please...
leave it...
- please...
leave it... n0... leave it...
kn0wing the answers is n0t en0ugh...
y 0u have let me d0wn c0mpletely.
I am angry... I am very angry...
n0... kn0wing the
answers is n0t en0ugh...
y0u need t0 put them d0wn
0n paper t00, understand?
D0n't just stand there
like a failure!
It's all right.
- N0. It's n0t all right, mrs. McNally.
It's n0t 0nly her failure,
it's mine t00.
This is the third year in a r0w
that she's failed.
F0r three years we have been d0ing
th0se same less0ns.
She's just t00 sl0w at typing.
10 w0rds in 2 minutes. I mean...
hey, michelle... michelle...
where d0 y0u think y0u are g0ing?
Leave this bag...
leave it, leave it...
leave this bag!
En0ugh! I want t0 g0 h0me.
N0. N0... y0u're n0t g0ing anywhere.
I d0n't want t0 stay.
I d0n't want t0 study.
N0... n0... y 0u will stay...
y0u will study. Y 0u understand?
Y 0u will study. In three years even
the braille letters have w0rn 0ut...
but n0thing has entered y0ur brain.
- Let her be, mr. Sahai!
Mrs. McNally, I haven't spent
18 years 0f my life f0r this!
I'm n0t g0ing t0 all0w her
t0 be a failure.
Hey... c0me here... y0u...
c0me here...