listen, y0u will...
y0u will n0t...
y0u will n0t run away fr0m failure.
Understand? N0t run away fr0m failure!
Michelle... what is this? D0n't y0u
dare disrespect a b00k!
Pick it up... c0me 0n.
Pick it up., pick up the b00k...
pick up the b00k... michelle...
pick up the b00k...
st0p it
as l0ng as I am alive,
y0u will study.
I d0n't want t0 learn.
Y es! Y 0u will learn.
Y 0u will graduate.
The black r0be. Our dream...
I d0n't want a r0be.
My w0rld is black
N0. y 0ur w0rld... y0ur w0rld is
n0t black. It is full 0f light!
My w0rld is black, black, black!
Black... black...
62 w0rds...
in less than 2 minutes.
She's n0t sl0w anym0re mrs mcNally
time f0r celebrati0n.
Time f0r... an icecream, my dear
- Y es...
mrs. McNally. Life is an ice-cream.
Enj0y it bef0re it melts.