N0... d0n't w0rry.
G0 t0... sleep.
Sing y0u... a lullaby...
N0, I can't sing...
hush, my baby.
On the treet0p.
When the wind bl0ws,
the cradle will r0ck...
hush my baby...
"a st0rm had scattered my dreams"
"all th0se dreams th0se
were m0st dear t0 me"
"that day was the first time
I felt fear..."
"h0w w0uld I live
if y0u f0rget me?"
What happened n0w?
- She d0esn't want t0 c0me d0wnstairs
she is feeling awkward t0 c0me
in fr0nt 0f y0ur in-laws.
She thinks she'll sp0il the evening.
Then why did she b0ther
c0ming till here?
St0p it sara...!!!
She's w0rried ab0ut
mr. Sahai's health, please...
it really hurts me t0 see
the tw00f y0u fight like this...
n0w y0u get her ready
and y0u bring her d0wn.
I have a l0t 0f w0rk t0 finish...
michelle, I'm requesting y0u...
till n0w whatever y0u did
was special.
But t0day is a very
special day f0r me.
I'm in l0ve and I am getting
engaged bef0re y0u.
I kn0w this c0uld upset y0u.