"darkness is desperately trying
t0 engulf y0u"
"but y0u must always
walk t0wards light"
"every step 0f y0urs, filled with h0pe,
will keep me alive, michelle"
"once again light transcended
int0 darkness..."
"and s0und int0 silence."
"F0r twelve years
I walked the path y0u sh0wed me..."
"al0ne in the darkness."
"When after twelve years I had
f0und y0u near the same f0untain..."
"and t0day after 12 days
this mark sheet."
"I'm n0w a graduate in the arts."
"I want y0u t0 be the first 0ne
t0 hear the g00d news"
mr. Sahai this is y0ur bed,
please lie d0wn.
Please... that's it. Mr. Sahai...
this is y0ur bed, mr. Sahai!
Mr. Sahai...
please lie d0wn... mr. Sahai