"Amidst us t0day there
is a student..."
wh0 has set an example
0f grit and strength...
and has pr0ved that
n0thing is imp0ssible.
She is the pride 0f 0ur university.
And 0n this rare achievement, I w0uld
want her t0 say a few w0rds.
Ladies and Gentleman - michelle mcNally
that's my daughter.
After many attempts...
the spider, in spite 0f
falling several times...
has finally made her h0me.
The ant has climbed her m0untain.
A t0rt0ise has cr0ssed the dessert...
and t0day michelle mcNally,
has finally bec0me a graduate.
But there is a difference
between y0u and me.
What t00k y0u 20 years
has taken me 40.
But I finally did it!