F0r me everything was black
but my teacher taught me
the new meaning 0f black
black is n0t 0nly darkness
and suff0cati0n.
It is the c0l0ur 0f achievement.
The c0l0ur 0f kn0wledge.
The c0l0ur 0f the graduati0n r0be.
The c0l0ur that we all share t0day.
But there is a difference
between y0u and me.
T0day y0u all wear this
t0 celebrate graduati0n.
But n0t me.
Because I want my teacher
t0 be the first 0ne t0 see me...
wear this black r0be.
Every graduati0n day,
he br0ught me here.
Every year, we w0uld stand
near that d00r...
and every year he w0uld
write in my hand...
"one day I want t0 see y0u
0n that stage michelle"
It has taken me 40 years...
t0 fulfill his dream.
And t0day, f0r the first time,
I feel my lack 0f sight.
Because I want t0 see my teacher
standing at the d00r...
watching me fulfill 0ur dream
with pride