I was 7.
He was teaching me to swim.
By throwing you in a lake?
You know, this might be
a good time for a toast.
- Yeah?
- Yeah. I'd say.
Excuse me, everyone.
When we come back
from Thanksgiving on Monday...
...things will be a lot different.
For starters...
...it'll be a lot quieter.
But it definitely won't be as much fun.
The Daily News is lucky to get you.
Okay, break it up.
- Be good, Jess.
- I will.
I'm gonna miss you.
All of you.
I'm gonna miss you too.
So I told my parents I'd be there by 11.
All right, I'll get your coat.
Thank you.
- Hey, Jess.
- Hey.
Not getting weird on me again,
are you?
No, no. I just spaced out for a second.
Where's your car?
It wouldn't start.
- Is it gonna make it?
- I got a guy looking at it.
If you think you can use
the "car broke down" excuse...
...to get out of this, you're mistaken.
- I'll be there, I promise.
So you want a ride home?
No, I'm good. I'll cut through the park.
- Besides, I've seen your driving.
- Yeah, okay.