Brokeback Mountain

- Girls all right?
- Yeah

Jenny’s still got a cough.
I think you should take the girls into town this
weekend and get ’em an ice-cream... or somethin’?

Can’t we move to town?
I’m tired of these lonesome old ranches.
No-one for Alma jr. to play with,...
...besides, I’m scared for Jenny,...
...scared she has another one of
them bad asthma spells.

No, rent in town’s too high.
There’s a cheap place in Riverton
over the laundromat.

I bet I could fix it up real nice.
I bet you could fix this place up
real nice if you wanted to.

I know you’d like it, too.
A real home,
lots of kids for the girls to play with.

Not so lonely like you were raised.
You don’t want it to be so lonely, do you?
I ain’t so lonely now.
You sure the girls are asleep?
