Brokeback Mountain

There you go.
You oughta get married again, Ennis.
Me and the girls worry about you
bein’ alone so much.

Hm… Well, once burned…
You still go fishin’ with Jack Twist?
Not often.
I used to wonder how come
you never brought any trouts home.

You always said you caught plenty,…
…and you know how me and the girls like fish.
So one night I got your crail case open,
night before you went on one of your little trips.

Price tag still on after five years.
And I tied a note to the end of the line.
It said, “Hello Ennis. Bring some
fish home. Love Alma."

And then you come back, lookin’ all perky.
Said you caught a bunch of brown ones
and you ate ’em all up.

D’you remember?
I looked in that case first chance I got
and there’s my note still tied there.
That line hadn’t touched water in its life.

It don’t mean nothin’, Alma.
Don’t try and fool me no more, Ennis.
I know what it means.

Jack Twist?
Jack Nasty.
You didn’t go up there to fish, you…

Now you listen to me.
You don’t know nothin’ about it.

I’m gonna yell for Monroe.
You tell him, I’ll make you eat the fuckin’ floor.
- Get out!

Get out of my house!
