Find yourself some place different,
maybe Texas.
Texas? Sure, and maybe you can convince Alma
to let you and Lureen adopt the girls.
And we can just live together,
herdin sheep.
And itll rain money from LD Newsome, and
whiskyll flow in the stream, Jack, thats real smart.
Oh hell. You wanna live your miserable fuckin
life, go ahead
- I was just thinkin out loud.
- Yeah, youre a real thinker, there.
Goddam. Jack Fuckin Twist.
Got it all figured out, aint ya?
Just finished my shift.
Wanna dance?
Well, I was on my way to
- Im Cassie, Cassie Farrah.
- Ennis. Del Mar.
No more dancin for me, I hope.
Youre safe.
My feet hurt.
Its hard work, is it?
Drunks like you, demandin beer after beer,
Gets tiresome.
What do you do, Ennis Del Mar?
Well, earlier today I castrated a calf.
What are you doin?