
...say I'm one thing,
but actually you're another thing.

I think being true to who you are
is important.

I'm not saying you need to be
psychoanalytical about the whole mess.

- But don't be afraid.
- Yeah, I... But don't be afraid.

I had lunch with Jimmy Baldwin
the other day.

- How is he?
- He's a lovely man.

And he told me the plot of his new book.
And he said to me, "But I just want to make
sure it's not one of those problem novels."

And I said, "Jimmy...
"your novel's about a Negro homosexual
who's in love with a Jew.

"Wouldn't you call that a problem?"
And he looked at me and he laughed
because he knew I was right.

I'm saying, you know,
if you're gonna write something like that...

at least be honest why you're writing it.
Can't we just be honest?
Well, I don't think
you actually need to be honest.

But don't come asking
some white man from the South...

whether your book
about a black man fucking some Jew...

when they're both of the same sex...
is an issue!
Don't ask me that!
Oh, no, it's not an issue, Jimmy.
Everyone's gonna be quite pleased
with that topic.

So how about you, Truman?
Do you admit it?

Well, I'm not nearly that controversial.
I'm not! I'm not! I am not.
I'm not nearly that controversial.
Oh, come on.
