The book I'm writing will return him
to the realm of humanity.
It's the book I was always meant to write.
Well, he hasn't actually
written a word of it yet...
but he says it's the nonfiction book
of the decade...
what have you been doing?
And I'll tell you...
I was in Marilyn's apartment just last week,
talking about movies, art.
Finally I had to break it to her that
of the four Matisses hanging on her wall...
two were upside down.
Can I have another, please?
To answer your question,
I'm following Breakfast at Tiffany's...
by blazing a different path.
By inventing an entirely new kind of writing.
The nonfiction novel.
- You have a subject?
- Yes.
On the night of November 14...
two men broke into a quiet farmhouse
in Kansas and murdered an entire family.
Now, why did they do that?
Two worlds exist in this country.
The quiet, conservative life,
and the life of those two men.
The underbelly. The criminally violent.
And those worlds converged
that bloody night.
Now, I spent the past three months...