'Cause he trusts me.
I mean, that's why he gave it to me.
And he's given me absolutely everything.
And he wants so badly
to be taken seriously...
to be held in some esteem.
Do you?
Do I what?
Do you hold him in esteem, Truman?
he's a gold mine.
And he's told me his entire life.
His dead mother.
He had a brother and a sister
kill themselves.
Did you tell him
your mama did the same thing?
See, I can't tell him everything.
We've been talking our heads off
for the past month.
And sometimes...
when I think how good my book can be,
I can hardly breathe.
Anyway, this is what
I wanted to read to you.
"If called upon to make a speech"...
"If called upon to make a speech"?
I mean, this is exactly
what I'm talking about.
A speech, just in case
he's ever recognized for an achievement.
"I can't remember what I was going to say
for the life of me.
"I don't think ever before have so many
people been so directly responsible...
"for my being so very, very glad.
"It's a wonderful moment and a rare one.
"Thank you!"
There's an exclamation point
at the end of that "thank you"...
in case you didn't catch it.
Where'd you go?
I guess it stopped being funny.
I never said it was.
Wait, listen to this.
I was 14.
One day I said to her, "Mom's dead."
I could see it.
A week later we got the news.
She finally drunk herself...