and proclaimed it
the Sword of Mars.
It worked.
The Huns believed that
because Attila had acquired the sword
of a god, it gave him the power
to rule the world.
And as the legend grew,
so did the belief that Attila's
bargain with the devil
had anointed the sword
with the powers of invincibility.
When Attila died,
he and his sword were
returned to hell
where it is guarded
by Cerberus,
a huge three-headed dog
with a serpent for a tail.
There are numerous tales
of attempts to retrieve the sword.
Unsuspecting tomb raiders
finding the last
resting place of Attila
came face to face with
the hellish guardian
who kept watch over
the Sword of Power.
So this is him, huh?
Cerberus, nice story.
Any legend worth
its salt should be.