Not until I get paid, it ain't.
You worry too much.
Keeps me alive.
Please, Max.
Help yourself.
Thank you.
And his sister?
The plane should be in
in about an hour.
I should get on the road.
Little change in plans,
Dorsey's gonna pick
the sister up.
An enterprise like this cannot
accept failure from any individual
- participating in it.
- What's he talking about?
Mr. Cutter's informed me that
the entire mission was jeopardized
due to a stupid mistake
committed by you.
We got the breastplate,
You made a rash decision
to kill a man whose knowledge
was vital to our mission.
What about the girl?
She knows everything
he knows, right?
Bringing Miss Gaines
from New York was an unnecessary risk.
We all take risks.
That's the part of the game.
Yes yes.
Even the great Attila
knew this.
He himself said every decision
involves risk.
But he could not accept failure
from his subordinates.
Neither can I.
Look, the important thing is
we got what we came in for,
Do you know that Dobermans
can reach speeds
close to 35 miles an hour
and maintain that speed
for more than a mile?
On the other hand,
a human can reach speeds
close to 20 miles an hour
and not last for long.
It's crazy, Cutter.
Come on.
Sorry, Max,
can't help you out.
It's not my call.