shall be cast out into
the nether parts of the Earth
for all eternity."
What are you doing?
I think
I got something here.
Hey, lady, what do
you think you're doing?
That's not a toy
you play with.
That is a good idea.
Hey, step back.
Let me help you.
Hold it up, kid.
Hey, Jake, I got a tunnel
back here.
Check it out, Burke.
I can't hold it very much longer.
It's getting in!
Oh no, my bag!
That canine's got a serious
case of halitosis.
It's probably been
a few thousand years
since he's brushed
his damn teeth.
That was too close
for comfort.
Thanks for getting us out
of there, Professor.
Can I make a suggestion?
Please, I'm open to just about
anything at this point.