
These passageways
are interconnected.

That's great. That's gonna make me feel
a whole lot better when it's eating me.

It's getting louder.
- Wish I had my damn gun.
- Well, this is all we got.

This is good enough.
Guns won't do us any good.
Cerberus isn't from this world.

The only thing that can kill him
is the sword. Legend states that...

Enough with the damn legend, Professor.
Until I see it with my own eyes,

that thing's as alive as you and me
and it can be killed.

I'm not the enemy here.
I'm just telling you what I know.

Okay, thank you.
Duly noted!

Bats... get down!
Everyone all right?
Freakin' bats.
That's all it was.

Sis, I'm sorry
about the money.

It's okay, Zach.
It's my fault
that you're here.

We're even.
Let's get the hell out
of here.

Look at this.
Waiting for a bus?
Get out of this sorry
ass little town.

We're closed.
