Chakushin ari 2

whatis up?. Itis me.
who else can it be?.
you must be kidding.
some guys are like that.
no idea where they stand.
sheis so useless.
t oo dumb to get it.
hey, where are you?.
some other kids will be there...
heis such a jerk...
whatis the point of it all?.
youire joking!
shut up or theyill sew
your mouth up, too.

never?. Itis a really
famous urban legend.

a girl appears at your bed at 2:22am.
at first glance, sheis got no mouth.
then you look close and there is one
hard to see because itis all sewn up.
then she mumbles, iiplay with me.ii
If you refuse or donit answer
she stitches up your mouth.
what should I answer?.
what do I say to her?.
Itis just an stupid story.
a story...
