There's far too much to see.
-Mr. Wonka?
Why did you decide to let people in?
So they could see the factory,
of course.
But why now? And why only five?
What's the special prize, and who gets it?
The best kind of prize is a surprise.
Will Violet always be a blueberry?
No. Maybe. l don't know.
That's what you get from chewing gum
all day. lt's disgusting.
lf you hate gum so much,
why do you make it?
Once again, you shouldn't mumble.
lt's starting to bum me out.
Can you remember the first candy
you ever ate?
In fact, Willy Wonka did remember
the first candy he ever ate.
l'm sorry, l was having a flashback.
l see.
These flashbacks happen often?
This is a room l know all about.