...creating a backlash from the press
That fall, polka-dot dresses became
the trend
I saw you on TV
Behind that wicked witch's face of yours
I saw the presence of an angel
An angel... Could that be true?
Do you really think an angel resides
in me?
If so, where was that angel...
...when I was committing such an
evil act?
I always wondered about this
after hearing what the preacher said
And then, I realized...
...that the angel inside me only reveals
itself when I invoke it
Where are you? Please, come out
I'm right here
This act of invoking an angel...
This is what we call prayer
Actually, prison is an ideal place to
learn to pray
...we know that we are all sinners
in here
Thank you
Testimonials of Faith Day for Inmates
It's tradition to eat tofu on release...
...so that you'll live white and never
sin again