Chinjeolhan geumjassi

Meet your new cellmate
I'm Kim Yang-hee. I got 5 years
They said there was someone at
Kyoungju Women's Prison...

...whose face would shine
You were a whore, weren't you?
I heard her nickname was "the Witch"
Come on in
You don't usually wear ties
It's mandatory here
We have lots of VIPs visiting
Shit, it's too tight. Loosen it up a bit
He was my pimp
It felt so good when I was strangling him
- I should've killed myself instead
- Then, die

And be born again. Over and over
if you need to

Prayer is like a scrubbing towel
Scrub off all your sins

Then your skin will become as new as
a baby's ass. Right?

Geum-ja taught me how to lament
my past lives
