Cinderella Man

So you just keep him steady.
Keep him trapped in the middle.
Keep dancing around him, okay?

You know what to do.
You know this type.

That guy's a bum.
Two bits will
get a guy a seat.

And that guy gets to watch
you bleed and call you a bum.

And I know I gotta take it from
him, 'cause he's a paying customer.

I see.
Well, well, well.
Pardon me, miss. Allow
me to restate my position.

Mr. Abraham Feldman
is a novice fighter...

whose ass you should
gently kick...

until it is humped up
between his shoulder blades.

That is, if it doesn't offend
your overly sensitive nature.

God knows.
Now, you see, that break's
still a few weeks away.

I know.

And you were gonna tell me
about this when?

It's gonna be fine. It's
not fine. No, it's not.

What the hell?
You don't tell me?

What the hell kinda crap is
that? I owe everybody money, Joe.

I can't get any shifts.
We ain't got any cash.
I got it.
Screw them.
I'll tape it double.

Keep up. Stay up.
Keep moving.
Keep your legs moving.

And here comes Braddock
with his long-time manager,
Joe Gould.

You're washed up, Braddock.
And now for our main event.
Hey, which one's us, pal?
Jersey veteran
James J. Braddock...

is up against Hymie Caplin's
latest charge...

young Abe Feldman
from Schenectady, New York.
