He's called the fight.
It's a "no contest. "
And the popcorn and the peanuts
are raining down.
And I'm afraid to say that's all these
fighters deserve...
for the show
they put on tonight.
I'm telling you, it's sad to see
a fighter that was once...
the caliber of James Braddock
reduced to this.
It's all right, Jimmy.
An embarrassment,
that's what it was.
An embarrassment!
Where the hell's the purse?
You wouldn't have
to be asking that...
if you gave a shit
about your fighter.
Okay. He's fighting hurt.
Maybe you got a bunch of fat
and happy fighters at home...
can afford to rest a month between
bouts. I don't know. Lucky you!
Christ, he hardly gets
a punch in anymore!
Fights being stopped by
referees? He's pathetic!
Fights like
that keep people away.
We're revoking his license,
Whatever Braddock was gonna do
in boxing, I guess he's done it.
Wait a minute.
That's all.
Oh, boy.
Mr. Johnston!
What's going on?
You didn't tell him?
Yeah, of course I told him.
He wanted to
hear it from you.
Come on, Mr. Johnston,
no contest?
I broke my hand.
Okay? It's legit.
You don't see me
crying about it.
I don't see what you got
to complain about.
I still went out there, I still put
on a show. I did what I could do.
You know, we did that
boondock circuit for you...
me and Joe. Remember?
I didn't quit on you.
And I didn't quit tonight.
I didn't always lose.
I won't always lose again.
I can still fight.
Go home.
I can still fight. Go home
to Mae and the kids, Jim.