Cinderella Man

Boy, you are a brave man. Not
really. Mae's at the store.

That's a good one, kiddo!
You want to go play with the other
kids while I talk to Uncle Joe?

Joe Gould,
still looking dapper, I see.

Certainly. Gotta keep up
appearances, right?

Good to see you, Jimmy.
Nice to see you, Joe.

Nice day, huh?
You drove all the way out here
to talk about the weather?

Maybe I was in the neighborhood.
Did you ever think of that?

Little fresh air.
Joe, this is Jersey.
Yeah. Good point.
I got you a fight.
Go to hell. Come on.
You want it, don't you?

What, we gonna bring this up with
the Boxing Commission, or not?

Yes, and they'll sanction it.
This one fight, and one fight only.

It's not a comeback, right?
It's just one fight.

'Cause of who you're fighting.

How much?
Just once, ask me who
it is you're fighting.

How much?

You're on at the big show
at the Garden, tomorrow night.

You fight Corn Griffin, Jimmy.
Number two heavyweight
contender in the world.

Prelim before
the championship bout.

You know, Joe, this
ain't funny. No, it's not.

And it ain't no favor,

Griffin's opponent got cut,
and he couldn't fight.

So they had to find somebody they
could throw in at a day's notice.

Nobody legit would...
Nobody would take a fight
with Griffin without training.

So I told them use the angle
Griffin's gonna knock out a guy...

never been knocked out.
You're meat, Jimmy.
Are you on the level, Joe?
Come on. Always.
For $250,
I would fight your wife.

Now you're dreaming.
And your grandmother.
At the same time.

Teeth in or teeth out?
Take them out.

Then you're dead.
You're down, you're gone.

No chance.

250 bananas. Come here.
