Jake Greenblatt
from Chicago Trib.
Hello, Jake.
It's been a while.
What's changed, Jimmy?
I mean, you couldn't win a
fight for love or money, right?
How do you explain
your comeback?
Well, you
know, the truth is, Jake...
for a number of years there
we was fighting injured.
I broke my hand
more than once.
I got in a car accident one
time, we was on the road...
and I had to get that fixed.
I had a run of bad luck.
And, this time around,
I know what I'm fighting for.
Yeah? What's that, Jimmy?
Sporty Lewis,
New York Herald.
Actually, my question's
for Mrs. Braddock.
Mrs. Braddock, my readers
would love to know...
how do you feel
about the fact that...
Max Baer's killed two men
in the ring?
So how do you feel
about that, ma'am?
Are you scared
for your husband's life?
She's scared for Max Baer, is
who she's scared for, Mr. Lewis.
Okay, how about
one more question, folks?
Said downstairs you wanted
to see us.
Joe, Jim, come on in.
Have a seat.
Right here.
Editorial says
this fight is good as murder.
And everybody associated with
it should be hauled into court...
and prosecuted afterwards.
They say the paper's getting
all sorts of letters...
from people saying
you're their inspiration.
Like you saved their lives
or something.
If you ask me,
it's a lot of crap.
But if I'm gonna
promote this fight...
I'm not getting hung out to
dry if something happens to you.
You're all heart.
My heart's for my family, Joe.
My brains and my balls
are for business...
and this is business.
You got me?
You will know exactly
what you're up against.