You want to think about it?
You think
you're telling me something?
What, like, boxing's
dangerous, something like that?
You don't think triple shifts or
working nights on the scaffolds...
is just as likely
to get a guy killed?
How many guys died the other
night living in cardboard shacks...
trying to save on rent money?
Guys who were trying to feed their
family. 'Cause men like you...
have not yet quite figured out
a way to make money...
out of watching that guy die.
In my profession,
and it's my profession...
I'm a little more fortunate.
All righty then. You guys
have dinner here tonight.
Take your wives. It's on me.
We'll snap some pics
on your way out.
If you change your
mind tomorrow...
at least we got some
good press out of it.
Good. Come on.
It's gorgeous!
Jimmy, can we get silver
faucets? Of course.
How many you
want? A dozen? Right.
Listen. A little bird told me
to check the evening edition.
So let's see what we got.
"Boxer Jim Braddock
has come back from the dead...
to change the face of courage
in our nation. "
Oh, that's nice.
Sporty Lewis wrote that.
Sporty Lewis?
Yeah. And get this.
"In a land that's
"Braddock's comeback is
giving hope to every American.
"People who were ready
to throw in the towel...
"are finding inspiration in
their new hero, Jim Braddock.
"As Damon Runyon
has already written...
he's truly
the Cinderella Man. "
Cinderella Man?
Oh, I like it. It's kind of
girly. Yeah, kind of. Yeah.
Oh, brother.
Yeah, this is gonna be fun.