All right, gentlemen,
give me two lines!
Okay, young sirs, we're gonna
take it to the next level.
Everything I knew about basketball,
I learned from women.
I have a sister, her name's Diane.
She was always on my case
about every little thing.
Matter of fact, she still is.
"Turn down that radio!
You eat the last piece of cake?
Did you drink all the Kool-Aid?"
She was always in my face.
So when I call "Diane,"
we're gonna play straight
man-to-man pressure defense.
Worm! No, no, no, no, sir.
Look at your defensive posture.
Come on. Split your man.
Back straight, butt down.
This hand guards against the passing
lane, this hand protects the crossover.
All right? Palms up!
Get your head in the game.
Now we have Delilah.
She was my childhood sweetheart.
Sir, was she hot?
Oh, yes, sir.
She was steaming hot.
But she was the devil.
That girl was evil.
I remember once she tricked me
into stealing brownies
from Christ the King
First Baptist Church bake sale.
She smiled
and got her way out of it,
while I damn near had to wear
a pillow on my butt
for a month
before I could sit down.
Delilah, gentlemen.
She's our trap defense.
Take notes, freshman. This is as
close as you gonna get to playing.
Come on, come on. Move, move!
Delilah! Delilah! Delilah!
Now, I know you're all
concerned that
we didn't work
on our offense during practice.
We have all season to do that.
But what did we do in practice,
Mr. Stone?