Coach Carter

Well, that's why we need
our own spot.

Did you turn this off?
- Yeah, it was boiling.
- Oh, come on.

Well, turn it down, not off.
This is milk, butter and cheese.
We can't afford to waste this.

And hold him up.
Making the baby's bottle for Myles.
All right, Myles, here we go.
Gotta cool off a minute.
Ever think about what you were
gonna do before you were pregnant?

What you mean,
going to junior college?

I mean, yeah, I thought about it.
I could go later, I guess.
You have to get some work
after you have the baby.

Me too.
- So I'll work.
- How you gonna go to school?

Why you asking me
all these questions?

And you gotta put your hands
under his arm.

You gotta sit him on your chest.
Hold him.

- I am holding him.
- You ain't doing it right.

You gotta soothe him, Kenyon.
I don't know how to do this.
You'll get it.
Look, I gotta help my mom
with some stuff.

- See you later, all right?
- All right.

Call me later, okay?
All right, keep it riding on somebody.
- Don't get lost in there.
- Move it. Move it.

Stay with your man.
- Box out, box out!
- Position.

Up. Up.
Hey, hey, hey.
You don't get to your man, stand,
watch the ball.
